World Flying Community Official MUN Thread

In my class, since practically nothing was going on, the senior teachers launched a nuke at Russia, blamed it on the U.S., and resumed the cold war, this time with nukes.

It’s a blessing from God

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They certainly are brilliant people. Thanks Sydney.

Ah Australia

I am so confused, what is MUN

@American634 Model United Nations.

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I think the Cold War… Had Nukes already…

Yes but not the ones we have today :joy:

They didn’t use nukes in the Cold War

Technically they were nukes. Just not like we have today, today’s are way worse

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That just “What happened if the US used nukes on russia in the cold war”

@GBKarp for Ireland :joy:


Just did my roast. Stuttered for a bit of it but I’m happy with my performance.

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Conference day :grin:

On a Saturday?!

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Yeah I wouldn’t do MUN lol

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Is there Weekend Wednesday?

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I just did my speech and I absolutely nailed it!

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There’s nothing better than the natural high you get after you finish a speech.