World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 16)

Part 16

Sometimes we need a break from sticking to the standard, topic related replies. For that reason, we have created an off-topic topic! Here, you can talk about anything, as long as it’s appropriate. Please review the topic rules below, and enjoy!

Topic Rules:

  1. Please avoid using vulgar language, hate speech, abuse, or other inappropriate content. Failure to do so will result in your reply being deleted, and further action will be taken if deemed necessary.
  2. Please avoid any political discussions. Any posts containing such will be flagged and immediately removed. Further action will be taken if deemed necessary.
  3. Positivity is key! Keep a positive attitude towards everyone and everything!

Where to? @Rolls


I’m going to babysit

what. it closed while i was gone

Who? Also that sucks, having to deal with those babies…

Also, better change the title before juegos does.


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HAHA, just like last time. :rofl: :woozy_face:

frick this

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yk whta imma just focus on most posts

even theres a good chance i wont win

Yeah good luck beating 2,825

You won’t. You seriously think you might beat me?

yeah lmfao

i’d hav eto do that in summer

no way lmao

only or the first week or so

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I mean Rina pt 4 could lmao

No you won’t. I am always active.

but u chat all the time so a day at max :rofl:

yes u are