World Flying Community Awards 2021 - Results Out Now

:trophy: World Flying Community Awards 2021 :trophy:

Welcome back everyone! This is our second annual WFC awards! Last year, this was a huge success, and we’re looking forward to bringing it back! You all know with anything I send out in this category, I have to have a speech. So after 13 and 1/2 months of this, I still can’t thank you all enough for being here. This award ceremony is based around you… well moderators as well because they feel entitled to have a competition amongst themselves, too.

Jokes aside, we are so excited to bring you this amazing show. The results will be presented at a LNWTM awards show. I would like to point out, it will not be the episode that is happening this weekend. It will likely be in one that we do towards the end of the year.

Without further ado, below will be the categories, think about your decision, vote for me, and welcome to the awards!

Categories :medal_sports:

User Awards

  • Best Moderator
  • Best Admin
  • Most Formal Moderator/Admin
  • Best Profile Picture
  • Most Outgoing
  • Most Comedic
  • Best Planespotter
  • Best Flight Simulator Photographer
  • Most Serious
  • Community Member Of The Year

Community Awards

Real World Awards

  • Best US Airline
  • Best Global Airline
  • Best Business Class
  • Best First Class
  • Best Transcontinental (USA) Premium Cabin
  • Best Region For Window Views
  • Best Airport
  • Worst Airport
  • Best US Airport
  • Worst US Airport

Misc. Awards

  • Should Pineapple Be On Pizza

How To Vote

Simple! Click the button below and select your options. Please make sure you are logged into your Gmail account! Good luck!

NOTE: you may not vote for yourself all the following awards: Best Profile Picture, Most Outgoing, Most Comedic, Best Planespotter, Best Flight Simulator Photographer, Most Serious, Community Member Of The Year.

The Process

The process will be similar to many other rewards ceremonies. This round will be the nominations round. Anything that is not multiple-choice will be a nomination. If it is multiple-choice, that is the final vote. Once the nominations are collected from your responses, we will make a new place to vote, and where you will vote for the final decision via multiple choice.


  • 2021-12-10T03:00:00Z: Voting Begins
  • 2021-12-17T03:00:00Z: First Round Closed
  • 2021-12-20T03:00:00Z: Final Voting Begins
  • 2021-12-27T03:00:00Z: Second Round Closed
  • TBA: Results
*All subject to change

Airport Results


Voted! Excited for the Awards.

1 Like

vote me and i’ll land smooth


I just filled it out! Can’t wait to see the results.

Let’s get more people voting!

2 days left to vote!

Summarized answers:


Air Tahiti Nui


No, I’m good


Voting closes today!

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Primaries are done. General starts tomorrow.

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Voting For Round 2 is now available. Please read below to see how we counted the votes to determine who moves on.

Rule 1: Each category must have more than one nominee for a final vote. Whatever received the most votes in the primary will automatically move on. In the case that the vote for second place in the primary is a tie, every post in that tie will be added.

Rule 2: Any multiple choice that was in the primaries is final, and those questions will not be repeated in round two. The exception is if there was a tie in the primaries, the top candidates in that tie will have a final vote in the finals.

Rule 3: After this round closes, all voting is final unless there is a tie. In that case, we will move on to a third round with only tiebreakers between the top two candidates.



Just voted!

How is LAX an option for worst airport when it’s also for best worldwide :joy:


Cause @Rolls doesnt like it. :crazy_face:

1 Like

People pick LAX over LaGarbage? Huh.

At least JWA made it for best US airports


Best #real-world-aviation:spotting topic

GE Makes Good Engines
Die, Fence @KSAN
Option 3


I voted for EWR though.


hOw DaRe yOu


We all love EWR