Which manufacturer do you think will dominate this decade?

Don’t you love when Airbus takes credit for an aircraft they had nothing to do with?
Really angers me when no ones seems to care Bombardier designed and made that aircraft

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Credit stealing

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Here’s what Boeing really needs:

  1. NMA.
  2. 737 MAX fiasco to fully dissolve.
  3. MAX 10 deliveries.
  4. Order from SWA for MAX 7 aircraft.
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Ikr! The 757 is a beast and there’s nothing that can realistically replace it yet. Even a clean sheet NMA like they proposed (which from what it looks like will just be a mini 787), most likely won’t be able to fully replace it.


More efficient engines. Literally all that has to happen. Plus newer wings ig. That’s not compromising like the MAX was to the airframe

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yes and i have an idea that might help boeing… :thinking:

The 737MAX10 has the least range tho. It can really only fly transcon
Kinda pointless. And I like Boeing

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cant do what the 757 did and does

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Correct. However, they need this aircraft to meet the gap if there is no NMA. Or, to help fill the gap for aging 757s.

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I have no idea what idiots design planes today, but it used to be that the range wasn’t affected too much by a larger variant, or the larger variant actually had more range. Doesn’t seem to be the case anymore

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Here is what Boeing needs to do in this decade to get on top:

  1. Full MAX recertification around the world
  2. NMA, launch and produce
  3. Receive bulk orders based around the NMA

All of this above should happen by around 2025

  1. Launch FSA, size of A223, but better
  2. Prepare to stretch the FSA to fill the MAX gap (a -8 and -9)
  3. Finally, 787-X
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Or make the 757-9

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why are you so correct here?!

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Or make the 757-9

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That would be hot.

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flying pencil with thicc engines

what could be better?

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It’s seriously an irreplaceable aircraft. Idk why Boeing doesn’t just make a more efficient one. They don’t need more range, just an efficient aircraft

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Mr. David Calhoun should come here lol

The 757 issue is age. Not range. If they just make it more efficient it’ll be fine
ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE :man_facepalming:

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Expenses. It’s too much to create a new design, restart the production line, and training (no chance they’re getting away with saying “we don’t need to retrain pilots”).

A NMA would be so much easier.

Coby explains it well here.

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