Reviewers welcomed-Test my VA Website

This website is for my VA. I would love to see your feedback as it will help me make my VA website better.

FXE is a hub :eyes: I might want to join

@anon94363592 could probably help you very well with reviewing and looking it over. He reviews websites for the IFVARB, so he’ll be a go to.

In my opinion, you may want to look out for the mobile design as everything just looks a little bit crunched.


Yea, It’s kinda hard because you barely get any editing tools for the mobile site.

Since it’s wix, you can move things around.

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What is this button here for?

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This bottom is hard to see and dosent work

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If you intend to get this IFVARB approved, all pictures have to be from infinite flight itself, you cannot use RWA pictures.

This is a position that someone has who left. So that will be changed soon.

While I can’t review it as I would in the official IFVARB approval process, I can say that Zac has nailed many aspects, especially his reply regarding photos.

However, @Brody_Swiatek, if you have any basic, non-specific questions (i.e., formatting, spelling, etc.), I’d be more than happy to help.

Good luck!

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I see your concern. But I haven’t been told this by IFVARB yet. So I think I’ll keep it for now. Thanks.

So does that mean you can recommend me for the IFVARB VA Reviewer position that they just opened up :eyes:

I just told you…

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Nope, definitely no. I dislike IFVARB like many others…
I’m sure you would be a good candidate btw. I personally wouldn’t be in IFVARB.

No comment.

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  1. I’m not asking you :joy:
  2. You just said that to the guy who is going to review your airline soooooooo :flushed:

Uh oh… :man_facepalming:

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