Cars vs. Public Transit

cap I cant go into nature reserves with cars. walking is superior

oh no my 5 minutes? how will I ever get them back. the time saves are minimal lol. I just do something productive while I wait and no time is wasted. its also cheaper

that’s where the legs are for. get your steps in fool

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I take it you’d then be willing to walk 20mi from a bus stop to a destination while carrying whatever you need tontake there?

when is it ever 20 miles lol. if its 20 mile you live in a crappy place lol. go live somewhere better. ill give an example. ski towns have frequent public transport that is efficient. exnap that and make it country wide

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My favourite ski mountain is 30+ from the interstate, and the exit is atleast another 20 from the nearest bus stop.

And no, living 20mi from a bus stop doesn’t make it a crappy place. Not everyone wants to live in a city with terrible air and buildings the size of mountains.

thats just crappy planning from wherever you live. bermuda doesn’t have this problem and it isa nice place to live

yes it does lol, makes it harder to get around, gotta keep the less fortunate in mind here, also It doensnt have to be a city to have good public transport. ski town have great public transit. collage towns have great public transit. bermuda has great public transit. not exclusive lol

This may be true, but buses are not the only type of mass transit that exists.

The train is almost always faster than the car in central Tokyo and anywhere in HK. The same cannot be said about buses, though.

Depending on the definition used, commercial aviation could also qualify as a form of public transportation.

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the us needs more funding for train. does la even have a metro?

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They do, but I imagine it’s pure hell.


Bus stops don’t have to be in a middle of a nasty city lol. It’s just like that here because suburbs and rural areas are built for cars.

Also, suburban America is filled with small cities that don’t have enough money to run public transit systems. Some places like Japan have HUGE cities (in terms of area, not population) that have enough money to run public transportation without sacrificing other sectors.

So… public transit is doomed in the US, but that doesn’t mean it sucks everywhere.


it just means that the us sucks lol, bermuda on top

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Aesthetics, overall comfort, the type of people in the bus and the ambience

European buses :

Asian buses :



Indian buses :



North American buses :

All bus stops in India are a maximum of 5minute walks away from the major complexes they serve (like schools, hospitals etc)

So does India. We have many small cities and towns that can’t afford to run their own public transit.
To compensate for that, the state owned (not Central govt. owned but individual state owned like Maharashtra, Karnataka etc) Road Transport Corporation’s run bus services in those places.
Some cities who can’t afford metro systems are getting theirs built by state owned (again, not Central govt. owned) Metro Rail Corporation’s.

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Other than the Asian bus, the interiors that you picked all look the same.

Outsides look really similar too (obviously some differences but jot drastic in my opinion).

European and Indian buses have cushioned seats
American ones look like bare plastic

those differences are major in a way

Most American bus seats are cushioned. You seem to have picked the only plastic one.

Hardly in a major way. Other than the double decker buses, they’re more similar than you’d like to admit.

Ah yes, very simillar

google :person_shrugging: