Cars vs. Public Transit

I never said buses are great, neither did I mean to say that any time.

Unless public transit is only about buses for you

Itā€™s the primary rival to the car seeing as itā€™s the most versatile form of public transit, so thatā€™s the one that I focus on.

Oh? Then why bother mass spamming a picture of every single bus in india over in the bus thread?

Ok. Share cycles, electric go carts (used here a lot) and share taxis exist.

Because the thread is meant for buses?

Fair, I guess I should probably rephrase what I meant.

Mass transit instead of individual transportation.

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heā€™s right tho, i hate agreeing with him but its true

atleast usa is better than pakistan lol

I wonder what the break down of countries in the EU is? I get why they lumped them all together, but doing so makes some countries look better than they are and makes others look worse.


You guys got beaten by Chicago of all places?


by what i have seen, they have good transit

we probably fell back in terms of metro lines

No they donā€™t lmao Iā€™ve been there itā€™s pretty trash actually,


putting montreal & chicago above toronto is [redacted] hilarious

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Iā€™m wondering how Copenhagen managed to outperform Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and probably most surprisingly of all, Tokyo. Or maybe it didnā€™t, after all.

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Iā€™ve seen your ig story. Torontoā€™s public transit seems trash af