Car Stuff

Well, lift kits and larger tires actually help it to rock crawl better (unless it’s a 1940s Jeep. These can go literally almost anywhere stock.

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Lift and larger tires, yes, when done correctly.

But notice that I said offroad inspired mods. Not necessarily mods that will actually help offroad, but ones that are meant to make the vehicle appear like if wheels, when in reality, the only dirt it has ever seen is the median between the highway.

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GMC Yukon AT4 doesn’t look as bad as it could’ve. Better than someone lifting it after market.


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Factory lifts usually aren’t bad.

The part that ruins it for me is the fact that it still has low hanging running boards.

Yeah I guess.
It’s too much work for the passengers to climb in apparently.

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No. For example yesterday it was some of the iciest I’ve seen, so I was averaging about 45mph. Highest I hit was 65, lowest was stopped.

65 in ice :skull:

I’d be scared to go over 45 ngl

Being a passenger in Minnesota Winters can be unnerving enough.

Literally slide all over just barely tapping the accelerator to start at a traffic light.

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65 on the dry patches to get past as many of the people doing 30mph as I can. Drop a couple gears and (slowly) disappear.

I’m quite impressed with the fact that I haven’t really had that ever happen to me other than doing it intentionally (4500 and then dump the clutch for some 4-wheel “burnouts”).
When I’m being a normal, civilized person though, I’m pretty much the only one not spinning.

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Yeah MN gets really icy.
Not all areas of the road, just certain spots of black ice and even snow tires can’t stop it.

Got to be like 1/4" thick. Especially in beginning of Fall when it freezes, melts, freezes, melts. Because then the ice is there until Spring as the base coat of the roads :joy:

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Driving up to Aspen can be sketchy af. They don’t really plow CO-82 very well so all the snow gets packed onto a pre-existing layer of pure ice. One time going up last year there was a layer that was probably a solid 2" thick completely covering a good 20mi stretch.

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Yeah Ortega Highway during the Winter here can be bad (that’s Highway 74 going from South County to Lake Elsinore, cutting through the Santa Ana Mountains rather than going the extra 2 hours around)

They might even shutdown in Winter because of how many issues they have.

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Unrelated to the conversation, but do you have a picture of your Jeep you’d be willing to share? I’m curious to see what it looks like.

I won’t mock. I sorta like those older ones.

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I took it up to Saddleback Peak over the Summer:

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Sick! It looks good. Cool too see it on the dirt too.

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Honestly see quite a few still around.

More than older Subarus. Even though I used to see more older Subarus than these. Which is weird. They switched :joy:

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Lol. From what I’ve heard, Subarus aren’t very common in California other than WRXs.

There’s a few old Cherokees in my town, but I think they’re '80s ones (pretty much the same body style, but there’s a few minor changes).

Old Subarus on the other hand… they’re everywhere out here. It makes sense though, CO is one of the top states for Subarus, and unlike the PNW or New England, they don’t rust here.

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Yeah I like the 1994-2001 model better than the 80s to early 90s Cherokee.

More boxy and defined.

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You said yours is a '99 right?

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Also pfp change lol

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It’s as near-as-makes-no-difference December, so I figured I’d change it.