Apple vs Samsung (Android)

The size of the “MAX” version of iPhones should be the exact size that nowadays phones should have.

No. Why should they?

Like, look at this picture I found, who the hell would need such a massive phone?

to see more things

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Well, put the phone closer to your eyes then maybe?

eye damage

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Smh, might as well carry a freaking monitor with you lmao.

There’s no difference in the amount of stuff on the screen between those two.

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Yea, it’s honestly just useless…

And without the homebutton area and the other black spot at the top, you could easily accidentally swipe/press things like I said.

I remember when phones used to be normal, lmao…

the guy told me to keep devices 20cm away from your face

That’s still possible with a small phone. Look at what we had before the Phablet became a thing.

I remember when phones didn’t have YouTube or the internet and you had to use a paper map to navigate.

people with eyesight issues stick their phones in their face at fonts

what’s neat is that the iphones with the home buttons you can double tap (not click/press down, just lightly double tap it) and the whatever is open will move down so you can better access buttons on the top of the screen from just one hand. How/if you do that on the tablets maxes, i don’t know

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What do you mean?

Note: I am not fully pressing down on the button to trigger the app switcher, I’m just touching it

Yea I do that on accident sometimes, although I just find it lazy and kinda uselses.

I find it useful when the other hand is occupied and I can’t set the phone down anywhere

I just move the phone closer to my thumb with my hand.

How the hell would you hold such a small phone, not even feeling properly you have a phone. Not speak about the fact it sllipping very easily from the pocket. That is an improper phone size.