World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 19)

The first one? Pretty cool. I hope to fly on the second oldest soon, although there’s a chance that it’s Evo, and also, I really hope they wont clean the wings when repainting, I just love the dirty look lol.

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That, and more recently I’ve flown JA732J - the first 777-300ER.


Nice. I love 777s tbh, screw boeing for making the 777X look like a 737 by giving it an ugly gray cockpit…

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i think boeing has bigger problems

t swift bowl btw

Let’s go chiefs ggs

I just made $500,000 from shipping coal to another port lol

Can someone go to the United website and type in “Bonaire” in either the “Origin” or “Destination” box and tell me what it says? It somehow doesn’t work for me at all…


Do y’all even have United?

Yeah, we have ever since the Continental merger.

I tried it on mobile too, surprisingly it shows up but it doesn’t work (for me at least), I’m pretty sure I broke the website. :sob:

are you using the same dates for both the web and mobile? it could be a seasonal route that just isn’t there during parts of the year (although i think it’d still show up either way)


It made the news here as well.


Interesting.How often do they run flights

There are 2 on Saturday, one from EWR, one from IAH, although the IAH one lands in the evening and takes off on Sunday.

Recently, they added some new flights in January, another EWR flight on Wednesday and Sunday, which will stop in April.

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Finally done with college apps oh my god I’m so relieved

After 3 long grueling months of making essays research the experiment itself and winning district I am making my way to county hopefully I win county fair and go to state then potentially Nationals

Pic from last night

I am also competing at middle school level so…


I’d advise checking your spelling of “bibliography” so you stand a chance against other competitors who have produced a similar level of work in terms of the experiment itself but have their proofreading sorted out.


Oh well I’ll fix it tmrw