World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 16)

Wasps, sure. But bees…?

Or the chonky thicc bumblebees? I’m pretty some of them don’t even have stingers. :honeybee:


Oh my god, I forgot about something.

I’m in Florida, and there are lots of jumping spiders here!



Spiders are f*cking terrifying


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If money was not an issue and you knew how or had someone else do it, would you want to do anything or still nah?

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Sure, but not the jumping spiders, bruhhh.

@DeltaDev13 you like bumblebees? :pleading_face:

Damnit now I want to get a bumblebee lmao.

Smells like gasoline, tastes like Colorado.

I’m running out of ideas lmao.

Spider is spider.

Plus, jumping spiders are small. They can hide in places you can’t see. That’s kinda freaky.

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They’re literally everywhere in the Philippines

So a pot brownie, beer and sand/dirt?


Probably not, I don’t drive like you do, I just need a car that’ll get me around


Hello Blake, haven’t seen you since your last message on IFC :smiling_face_with_tear:

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oh cool, 2 brodys here

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Brody’s mind be like:

OMG! Cute spider?!?! :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat:

That gave me an idea. :rofl:

Once I get my drawing pad thing, I’m gonna create a lovely Subie Spider. :rofl:

Pls don’t kill me lmao.



Hi @Zach!

Two words that do not go together in that form. Like Subaru and Luxury or Subaru and Fast.

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