World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 16)

Spotting from the Delta Sky Deck at JFK.


Why are you so angry? Did someone take away your Encanto drawings or smth.

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The internet is off, as I explained earlier

Also what’s a parish? :thinking:

Damn, ATC towers are surprisingly strong, didn’t know that.


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Added a timestamp or whatever you call it so you see what I mean.

From 4 years ago, not that long ago…

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What’s the context? There’s a few different meanings.



In that sense it’s basically like a town or village. Depending in the size of the city he’s in it could also mean like a suburb or neighborhood of the city.


Hm, okay. On Google it says it’s related to a church, so idrk lmao.

That’s the other, primary meaning.

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It didn’t say that then, and for some reason when I search it again, it says some Indian crap which is completely unrelated…

Okay, changed something about my Google for the 33049t3045345th time, but yea, didn’t show the town/village thing. Must be a British word then.

A parish is basically a state with its own regional church

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So My parish (Christ Church) has its own church for the entire parish

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So do the other 10

I’m kinda confused, but okay…

Why a church, though?

I’m not entirely sure why

Also the internet seems to be connecting
