World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 16)

And former :wink:


There’s never been any Discord server for WFC? Except for mods & former mods


Laura/Jason can’t :skull:

They actually have a tug for each aircraft now.

It’s used in real life.

Nope. Take a week on the community and see how it is.

Yea, and why not go to whatever hell the AWW Discord turned into, god I wonder if that still even exists lol.

Yea but they’re stupid.

Yea, clearly the spoilers automatically retract at like 60kts and are unable to be used manually…

I’ve been there for like what, 2 years? You must’ve been there for a day my guy, or you’re just trying to annoy me.

However, the spoilers retract automatically. In some cases, they’re usually left up until they exit the runway.

Misha could’ve

Probably dead.

Oh yeah, that.

It sorta died. There was no chat or image sharing, it was just a VC room for one of those music bots.

He was a really good Dev.

Also why do you complain if you fly 17 hour flights lol

I’ve never seen that

I have a close bond with ULH flights. Before the crashes occurred, I could’ve flown three days without issue.

Join me tonight, Brussels - Narita

I fly flights less often now, as 89% of the time it’ll crash on final

That is indeed correct, the spoilers are left up after 60 knots as shown here.

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What am I supposed to see?

Lol, even a simple search on YouTube shows it.

Literally left up after 60kts, only to be retracted while taxiing off of the runway, as usual.

Also, the video title is probably a lie, cause clearly it doesn’t snow in Colorado. /s

Hey everyone. I don’t mind the IF good or bad debate, however it seems to be spiraling out of control. I’d rather not have to temporarily shut down the off topic.

Maybe we let go of this debate topic for a little while.


ok :slight_smile:

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