World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 14)

Well… I’m just sad and extremely anxious… :woozy_face:

i have a 747 pfp because i will b bullied by bonnie bc encanto

Still, hypocrite.

How come?

no wonder itsumi left :troll:

School and stuff. (Probably other things too lmao) My family also hates me.

By the way, hi JetBlue fanboy!

I highly doubt that. It’s probably just you being stressed

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Well no, they’re just mean to me…

And I have like 3 tests coming up in 2 days, on the same day… Idk why I’m so freaking anxious tbh…

Because of what?

Being anxious won’t help with studying. Just sit down take a deep breath and you’ll be fine

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png liked his post and made itsumi quit

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I don’t have the motivation to, probably cause I’m just stupid, and it’s extremely confusing to me and I don’t understand anything in the subject I have…

Oh yeah… super funny :joy:.

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Math is like life, it sucks.

Did someone say math? :eyes:.

That is not true

And it’s not difficult, you just don’t understand it yet. If you let me know what it is I could probably help. Also, we have a support thread specifically for school. Reach out to us on School Help | Homework Help | Advice

life is fair because it’s unfair to everyone

Well I mean, I am atleast a bit stupid…

Also yea I’ll look at that topic, but people probably make fun of me for not understanding stuff I should’ve understood earlier… :woozy_face:

*Almost everyone.