World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 1)

And just so you know, slow mode has been removed because I gave Adrian the ability to open and close the topic. You can chat as you wish

Lol lol

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Brace yourselves

Why brace ourselves? If Adrian abused it he would lose the power and probably his TL3 status.

He would… so don’t blow it Adrian :joy:

I won’t, this will give me a chance to prove my worthiness

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haha very funny. You can’t tell when someone is being sarcastic when cahtting.

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Why has everyone stopped chatting. LOL🤣

I mean…I was just kinda waiting for someone to bring up a new subject

Let’s talk abt the world

The world at night is so interesting…

Because they are scared of you. lol

Am I the only one who likes to be up at night?

I always do

No need to be scared

Mate, the world at 12am is so interesting…

So is ghosts

Who said I was scared? I’m focused on updating the WFC Members Airports Database.

I found out that now I control 3 categories