World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 1)


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We all do.

I was added to a PM about some staff of a VA being inappropriate. I was a witness.

Are you on IFVARB Slack or no?

No I’m not. I’m not IFVARB.

:scream: :joy:

Request here:


Wait, what is you position at AFLV?

Management officer.

Just this part…

So like…COO?

He compromised a few VAs and ran them into the ground.

Yes, I posted.

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No. I’m management. I approve PIREPs, accept people, basically everything that involves management.

@Adrian_K is being naughty not inviting you to the secret communications platform

That’s awful. I’m guessing he got removed from whatever sort of position(s) he had?

Wait, so there’s Zach, Zack, and Zac.


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I’m not COO.

I know…but Managment Officer seems like an important position

For sure. He was the CEO of CLXVA. He ran that into the ground and made it impossible for the remaining staff to pick it up.

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I mean…