WFC Awards 2020 (All Voting Closed)

:world_flying: :world_flying: :world_flying: WFC Awards 2020 :world_flying: :world_flying: :world_flying:

Welcome to the official WFC awards 2020! We are so thankful for all of you being part of this community and John of this would’ve been possible without all of you. So now that we’ve thanked everyone, let’s get into the stuff you all want to hear! Today, we will be launching the awards ceremony. In order to vote, go to To cast your ballot. Some options will be multiple-choice and others will be type answers. If you are typing anything, that means that there will be another ballot to vote for the top most typed of that thing.

When will voting stop?

Voting. For the first round on 2020-12-09T22:00:00Z. Once it is closed, we will launch our second ballot the next day. Once that one is closed we will announce the winner on 2020-12-12T05:00:00Z (at trivia night with the moderators).


Q: Can i nominate myself for community member of the year?

A: No. We would like you to get your opinions out. If everyone was able to vote for themselves, then we would never have a clear winner because there would be one vote for everyone. However, as long as it is not community member of the year, you could vote yourself for anything that you were nominated in!

Q: I am having trouble voting, what will I do?

A: Contact @CaptainZac for help

Q: Where do I vote?

A: as stated above, go to

For any other questions, please contact @CaptainZac or @moderators.


Nice Original Idea sir

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Permission was given by @ThomasG and @Captain_Cign from the GAC

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And I oopps. Thank you sir for this awards

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Totally didn’t vote for Discobot as a joke

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Those better not happen.


Hey! Awesome idea Zac! But I have been seeing alot of these and lets not make people feel bad because they dont get chosen etc as these are just for name recognition!

Try and keep these fairly uncommon guys.

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Shouldn’t as long as Dominion isn’t being used
ok not trying to get political just thought it was funny
Discobot 2024

Everyone better write in @discobot

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

hAd No IdEa TagGiNg SoMeOnE gAvE tHeM a NoTiFiCaTiOn

Thanks for nominating the WFCSC!

(World Flying Community Screenshot Competition)

Great idea! I just voted

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I just voted. I actually did not vote for myself at all.

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Im not considered a spotter reee mcree


Bro, why! That my worst photo, why didn’t you do the one on the competition. :sob:

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Round two voting is now open! Voting will and Saturday night so good luck! Go to

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I’ll try voting later
It keeps glitching after a random number of answers and it won’t scroll up or down :unamused:

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Just voted. Can’t wait to see the results.

It allows you to fill out another response, this can lead to a breach in the results