Everyone, use this thread to talk about the new Airbus A320 JetBlue repaint! This is a huge surprise especially considering that was just released a topic on which tale was your favorite yesterday before we even knew this. Very big coincidence but please go and use the link below to vote for which you like the best.
I really hope the first livery wins.
Nah, second livery all the way!
Ugh why are they repainting it instead of just adding another livery
I voted for the 1st one
Looks more tropical
Good lord, now instead of being grateful that we get a new JBU livery we are complaining about diversity…cmon
I know right. I’ve already flagged 6 posts asking for other liveries.
I like both liveries but I feel like the 1st one doesn’t fit flying in a big city but it looks cool for tropical destinations
I feel bad for the mods getting so many flags.
I think im gonna work on a Boston flyout once it comes out
Flies to Gatwick
There will probably be a lot of those.
not If I get there first
literally the second after it comes out I will create it
Ooooo I think I’ll make one for Long Beach before it died lol
I like the second one but I’d be happy with either
- Shanty (Option 1)
- Devil with a blue dress on (Option 2)
0 voters
About time for the new livery! can’t wait to fly it
Thank goodness that this is way more civil than the IFC.