Model Airport Empires 2


Where are the Chinese?

Yes, not subway sandwiches

they are going to the south china sea, or as i call it, Philippines sea

i thought subscribers…so…yes…wanted to sub…

How far away are they from a city?

they are currently in the center of the blue circle

this is an image generated by me
not the onboard cameras

oh f***

they are not facing Japan

Still a major threat

want us to intercept their radio comms?


We need the ships to get from Yokohama to there within 5 days

No, we’ll do that


We have 20 AWACS 767s flying at a single time but idk how they never picked up on it

btw there is an Indian Navy stealth destroyer just outside that blue circle, that we built


Tell him to gtfo before we torpedo the whole area

can it dock at sapporo before you do it?