Model Airport Empires 2


Is it smart to put a 5 inch rotary cannon on a fighter to oneshot planes?


i’ll take that as a yes


We’ll buy 10 squadrons worth of F15Js. Also, each squadron will have 24 planes, which makes it 240 planes at a minimum

Ethan has that new Samurai thingy and we have our fleet of B-2A Spirits

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And maybe 1 squadron will have a 5 inch rotary cannon installed, for fun

The Samurai has the same firepower as a B-2

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btw we have some captures from the AEW&CS 763’s that @Ethan might appreciate

Yup? what do you have?

How many are you planning to build?

250 for now

Then we have 265 aircraft with strong firepower

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We’ll see how the factory works

Chinese military ships that were ready to attack on the west coast of Japan are returning going 2x the speed they did when they arrived

We might also make some smaller bombers

Good, we literally just ordered more capital ships

oh …

And by next month we’ll have 100 subs