The name of that user will remain undisclosed.
Please do not be concerned. This happened over two months ago, and the user has since been deleted. I assure you that safety, security, and privacy are our utmost priorities.
@GBKarp - Thank you for sharing your opinions with us. Please allow me to reflect on your comments.
We (Admins and Moderators) never open a topic with the thought of “let’s suspend this user because of the topic’s connotation.” As a matter of fact, whether it seems that way or not, we do the opposite.
Admins? Or Admin?
I have not been aware of anything like that but will say that any “abolishment” of our users is unacceptable. If you’d like to share what happened, my inbox is open.
We can’t fix anything if we don’t start somewhere. We will continue to iterate on this in the near future.
There had to have been an underlying reason for this—we will never delete a message without reason. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding with the message’s meaning.
I kindly ask that you send me a PM detailing this issue so that I can look into it.
In this case, a one-month suspension was in accordance with our Suspension Chart (found in this topic) as different violations occurred at various times. I will look into making this clearer.
Regardless, we will not be discussing another user’s suspension.
Since I was the one who closed and unlisted both the off-topic topic and your topic, I will speak to this.
Off-topic was closed and unlisted because the mental health of one of our users was in jeopardy. I felt that it was in the forum’s best interest to remove the topic from the public eye until I figured out what happened and cleaned it up (I had previously been inactive due to personal issues earlier in the day).
Your topic was closed and unlisted because it would only exemplify the problem (i.e., making other users question what happened). I’m sorry that you disagree with it, but after dealing with these situations in the past, I believed it was best the course of action.
I’m not aware of this happening, but I trust it happened to you. If you choose to PM me regarding my previous points, and fill me on what occurred concerning this, I’d be happy to look into it.
We don’t review every post in every topic, so it’s a given that we may miss some things. In the future, if you see an issue with a post, flag it. We will take the appropriate action from there.
The latter has been number one on my list forever. I’ve since talked to Zac about letting moderators suspend people if necessary without a prior discussion.
The WFC is meant to be an enjoyable, fun, and relaxing space for all. We are not thrilled with how it’s been lately, and we are destined to change that.
Having said that, we do ask that you all understand the drawbacks of making split-second decisions. It’s not easy to manage a forum, especially when all hell breaks loose at times where our team isn’t around to manage it.
We will continue to share updates as they come. Thanks again for sharing, GB; we appreciate your help in making the WFC a better place!