Happy New Year

Hey everyone!

From the staff of the World Flying Community to you, we wish you a very happy new year! We hope you had an amazing 2023, and we are excited to continue our journey in 2024!

Anything you new would like to see in the community? Message @moderators or let us know below, and we would love to hear it!

Again, happy new year!


Not sure how, but, some activity would be pretty nice.

Feel free to invite people! Every time people use your referral link, you get credit. That data goes straight to us, and is used in making community status decisions!

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I dunno who to invite tbh.

Maybe the newer members that have joined noticed the inactivity and they themselves also decided to become inactive.

But yeah idk who to invite.

We encourage you to invite people from the IFC, Discord, or anyone you know that likes aviation and is not currently a member!


4 days in and I would just like to say muscle memory is still typing “23” or “2023” when I need to type out the year

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