Funny TikToks

We all know that TikTok is home to a plethora of plain stupid people. Some of them are serious; some of them are funny. In this topic, feel free to post what you find, as long as they’re appropriate. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll begin.


Sent to me by @CaptainZac


Topic Rules:

  1. If a user posts a video containing vulgar language, hate speech, abuse, or other inappropriate content, it will be deleted, and you will receive a warning. Further action will be taken by @CaptainZac if deemed necessary.

  2. The content may include political figures; however, you may not bring any political views into it. If you do so, you will receive a warning. Further action will be taken by @CaptainZac if deemed necessary.


Regular Youtubers doing a travel vlog be like.

I don’t know, I thought this would be fun I said that you have the option to send the link or just send a file. Good luck! TikTok has all of the save the video, which comes with the name of who created at the end… that is good for credit. If you are sending a link, even though it’s linking you to the video, please credit the person who made the video. If the person is not credited, the video will be taken down


I don’t use TikTok that much so…


Teacher please write your names on the test

Her: :flushed:

I don’t know if this is appropriate but here it goes.

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I have more. Wait


I’ve seen that one :joy:

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Plus I also want to put one more but it is too violated but funny ASF.

@Hardlanding_Hussain this is us

Lmao yess


I wish someone would throw a brick at my head.

Oh lord, come visit Fiji and u will be hit by a moving car!

That works.

Oh lol.

Hm. Interesting.