Car Stuff

Apparently people here average 119 hours a year stuck in traffic
This is daily going to and leaving work for millions

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Ok well people there don’t recognize signal lights and lanes
Or crosswalks

Oof. Poor SoCalers.
The back roads out here are quite nice to just put your foot down and enjoy a nice drive.

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I can do that! At 1am

well…lanes and crosswalks practically dont exist here…
signals exist when there are cops nearby…

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And I can do that at 1pm, on the back roads.

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It makes me so mad when people jaywalk here

I wouldn’t survive there

Who? The cops don’t patrol the roads out here. That’s why we all do 95mph.

Indian : Shows palm
ok it’s safe to cross now

y tho


You never know when CHP will be on the freeways here (that’s our State Troopers)

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Well, of the government slashed your funding and constantly called you racist b**tards (which they aren’t), would you want to actually do your job?


wait…they really did that??


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That’s pretty much why radicals burnt down Minneapolis last year.

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You know one thing I haven’t gotten alerts for lately is High Speed Chases
Usually get a few every week
So entertaining to watch :joy:

It’s funny when they get to where the freeways you travel on are because you’re like “That’s where I drive!” Lol

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We had a high speed chase here last winter. The guy was doing 110mph, hit a patch of ice and smashed into an overpass.

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if you try to do that here, you’ll either get wooden sticks in your a$$ or flashbang in your eyes or tear gas on your face or shotgun rounds in your abdomen…
