Bottled Water Debate

Well, this topic was eventful. It’s pretty amazing how y’all made water bottles interesting.

Feel free to make any further remarks about water (bottles) in the off-topic discussion thread.


You have 10 minutes. Go.

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wait was this they one we were using

wait can you open the other one

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5 minutes to go…

I like you edited it from 15 to 10. Good precautionary measures

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30 seconds

”The best bottled water is the one that doesn’t come with bottling” - Gengis Khan 150BCE


This topic was automatically closed after 10 minutes. New replies are no longer allowed.

I witnessed some good conversation in the past 10 minutes


Time to reopen the most popular debate topic for the rest of the hour

You have less than 40 minutes to debate lol
I mean this place has been dead today so why not use the most popular topic

Bottled Water debate open again image

I’ll go ahead

Arrowhead water is best water.

Ah yes you decide to open it during inactive hours, well done Jacob


Nobody’s going to speak in these 40 minutes…