737 MAX To Receive FAA Certification In The Next Few Weeks

The MAX To Be Approved In The US On November 18!

The FAA has now said that they hope to have the 737 max series, the long grounded aircraft approved and back in the skies by the end of next week! This is huge news as it has been grounded for almost 1 1/2 years now!

“this process will be finished in the coming days, once the agency is satisfied that Boeing has addressed” safety issues involved in two fatal crashes that killed 346 people.

“The FAA continues to engage with aviation authorities around the world as they prepare to validate our certification decision,” Dickson said.

“As I have said many times before, the agency will take the time that it needs to thoroughly review the remaining work. Even though we are near the finish line, I will lift the grounding order only after our safety experts are satisfied that the aircraft meets certification standards.”

This morning, Boeing’s stock jumped 5.5% to $173.21 at 9:35 a.m. in New York, the sharpest gain on the S&P 500 index. The EASA also commented on their thoughts about the FAA (United States) about them letting the plane fly again

“For the FAA, the Max accident has been a tragedy,” he said. “In terms of the way in which they perceive their own roles, the way they were attacked by different stakeholders in the U.S., the way they have been criticized, it must have been extremely difficult.”


Max is back finally, I’ve been waiting for this all my life :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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AWESOME! Southwest will be happy.

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I hate the max :-1:

Not flying anyway

It’s not the best news, as I hope it’ll be safe… But I don’t know if it’ll be safe

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