200 Members on our 8 Month Anniversary

Hello everyone! This is a quick announcement letting you know that first of all, today we just hit 200 users on the WFC. I think everyone for joining and being part of this wonderful community. It means the world to me that you are all here. Second of all, happy eight month anniversary! On October 25, 2020 we were founded and I am proud to say that we have last eight strong months.

Just a quick little statistics update for you all, have a great summer!


:partying_face: it is amazing to see how far this community has come!

BTW do you know what # member I am?

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8 months, 200 users, excellent! I hope the community will continue to grow, and also, do you know what number I am to join?

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200 members, wow. I still remember when Zac spammed worldflightcommunity.com in an IFC PM. :joy:


So he literally mass PM’d people to join? Haha

I can tell you if you vote in this poll. If if I export the results, I can find your number.

  • Number ?
0 voters

I’m guessing I’m somewhere from 175-190,

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am i number… #193? my account is 25 days old

All right, breaking news everyone. Apparently the total count of users does not include suspended users, So the ID and number joined may be higher than 200, but we only count people that are not suspended.

User ID Username
13 Canadian_Aviator
46 KGJT-9149
128 American634
207 BonaireDude
210 IF_International
211 Fly_If

I believe that I am like #14.

Not even close. You were number 58

DANG! Had no idea that was so high.

Top 20 :sunglasses:

Ah, the memories of World Flight. Which had like 5 topics before it shut down


I think I’m like 97 or 98, not sure though

Happy to finally reach this milestone! On our way up to 300 now!

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I think i’m down there in the 20’s or 30’s haha, let me know Zac :slightly_smiling_face:

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What about me :pleading_face:

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You are number 40

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You are number 17

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This Is Amazing! Thank you all for helping this community grow bigger. Let’s hope for Many more anniversaries to come!:muscle: