World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 5)

dab GIF

That’s racist

Is AirBerlin a race? Are you a special little snowflake race?

Yeah I thought so

You are really mean and rude :cry:

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That’s racist

Don’t call my race snowflake

You actually think I would pity you? :joy:

Are you a special little snowflake?

That’s just mean :frowning:

Why do people keep calling me a furry because of my discord pfp

Hello, peeps!

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Hi there

inactive chat :flushed:


Rolls, do you want to be my friend?

It’s funny, Orange County doesn’t really have “1 main city”. It’s just a bunch of mid-rises everywhere :joy:

Can you believe out of the 1375 replies here, this is only my 12th reply. :skull:


One out of every 115 comments is made by you

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On the way back from our game my friend decided that it would be a good idea to shotgun a Corona at the top of Vail pass. It sprayed everywhere and about 5 minutes later he threw up on my foot.
Underage drinking is illegal kids, but of you are going to do it (still, don’t), don’t try to on a school bus on top of a mountain.