World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 4)

-10 respect points


both yoke and sidestick are good


Mini-mod 1000

continue here please

It’s like trying to drive a car with the controls inverted while also having the steering wheel behind your back and also angled while you are getting chased by a 15 thousand ton freight truck

NOOOOOOOOOO :sob: :sob: :sob: :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:


to be fair, you can use your other arm to do whatever pilots do

rip the lufthansa 707 that never flew for lufthansa

Excuse you what

excuse me wtf

that’s true

?afk f for lufthansa 707

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thats not true…you can use a yoke with one hand…i have done it in a sim…

Ooh discord

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steering wheel

what is your tag?

can anyone recommend a good plane to draw?


A Fokker 70 JetAir Caribbean