World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 4)

hope he breaks lewis’ record

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I hear that’ll work!


But seriously…17 topics!!!

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Good afternoon

When do you think the open beta announcement will come? Debating whether to stay up all night or not.

Tomorrow Evening for you, becuase it’ll probably be around noon for the developers, who are in California

So in a days time

~21 hours is my guess

I’m tired of open beta

Hey @CaptainZac sorry to bother you, but could you check my Trust Level please?

It creates children who want the update before anyone else and make useless posts to get to TL2

Exactly! Plus everyone will get it soon anyways lol

Also X Plane 11 gang :sunglasses:

they should make open beta TL3+ only

at least we can have some guarantee they won’t spoil the whole update

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Noobs over at IF like. We have buildings for years, decades, centuries!

I guess disclaimer no hate to if tis a joke

Why does Open Beta exist anyway

Peeps find things wrong and they give feedback

We even have a 767 that doesn’t identify as a potato!