World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 4)


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this is one day after 9/11 so no

it’s written as 11/09 in normal day/month/year format

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yeah ik but it happened in america and they don’t know how time works or how to measure things

sometimes i wish that europeans didn’t discover america

you’re welcome @USA_ATC



That’s why you couldn’t register.

I was one of the first staff writers at the TDZ. Let me clarify from my point of view.

Nope, the TDZ doesn’t want to absorb them. TDZ is just providing a platform to post on.

The ““Competition”” – as if this is some monopoly v monopoly situation; which clearly covered in the last sentence it isn’t. We have only a limited amount of say in editing the Herald, I haven’t seen in the logs, any major changed to the information the Herald provided us for posting.

Im not a spokesperson for the TDZ, I’m just a writer there, and i wanted to clarify what going on, as people are getting misinformed. I cant see this from the Herald’s position, but we were assured this was a mutual change of publication


Blake decided that he and the editors in TDZ will be editing EVERY single article before it gets posted. The reason is to make it “more professional”. The IFH was fine on its own. Maybe we weren’t posting on the most professions thing but we were getting it done and people liked it. Although they liked the second one the liked the first one more. I also liked when IFH writers got to create and edit their own articles. We all have different views on things and when we can edit our own we can show exactly what we are trying to convey in the article.

what’s that

Let’s try to not get too heated here.

Infinite Flight Herald

aaand… what’s that?

infinite Flight news booklet. Written by IFC members




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duck noodles

We have something called balut and we eat the fertilized developing duck embryo in it


I love noodles. Especially when its with broth.

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Looks pretty good!