World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 3)

We need one of those five pointed stars, five candles, five precious objects, and a human sacrifice.

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A human might be hard to obtain but I can probably find a bird or something outside.

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you pay bbc money to watch the trio but the trio doesn’t get money from that

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A goat then?

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I live in a subdivision with a HOA. No one owns goats.

I can help you with that

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oof I’m sorry to hear that lol

Is it labor or labour?


it’s library

They’re very annoying. We’ve been petitioning to have speed bumps installed because people do 45 despite the limit being 15, but they keep shooting it down.

I live in HOA. Luckily it’s full of old ladies who don’t give a s*** about fines.

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just throw eggs at their cars

Don’t, chickens might come out

idk what kind of eggs you buy


Oh yes I love those…

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I ate 17 of them in one sitting before.

That’s fair. I have been considering getting a paintball gun because of kids cutting through my pristine lawn to get to the other side of the block.

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Lots of protein ain’t it?