World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 3)

Wanna hold a satanic ritual? :heart_eyes:

:sweat_smile:, no thanks :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Um, @Adrian_K, that was uncategorized debating. Not aviation debating.

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We are aware of that. Recently we have seen an influx of #uncategorized-debating topics. Not #real-world-aviation topics. Please remember that is is a AVIATION forum. Not a #uncategorized-debating forum.

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Yes, I understand, but then what would be the point of an uncategorized debating channel?

We want people to debate about things other than aviation but not as much as we are seeing at the moment.

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Lets take this to a lovely PM.


This does not negate the popularity of #uncategorized-debating, even in an aviation forum. In fact, the aviation games debating section less topics than uncategorized debating. On average, the aviation debating channel has 34 replies per topic, while uncatergorized debating has 43 replies per topic. If this doesn’t sound significant, take into consideration that the most popular uncategorized debating topic has a total of 473 replies, while the largest aviation debating topic has only a mere 210 replies. The community involvement in uncategorized debating is much greater than in aviation debating.


This is an AVIATION forum. Even if we were getting 1K+ replies per topic in that category that does not go along with the forum reason. If you want to have a uncategorized debating forum create it yourself. Just because it brings activity does not mean it’s good for the forum.

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This is a aviation community and that’s final.

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Then why is there an uncategorized debating category if it’s not good for the forum?

Check the Features category. Also according to Zac they don’t all have to be closed.

I’m well aware of that.

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What I mean by this is that what if a user who was looking to join looked around and saw a bunch of random topics yet very little aviation topics. There goes the chance of the user joining. I’m ok with a topic every week or so in that category but not every day.

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Does this mean we need to delete the off topic discussion, features category, or meta because it say’s pretty much nothing about aviation and talks about either

a) An off topic discussion
b) New features beneficial to the forum
c) Questions concerning the form

No, we keep these topics and categories because they help the forum run smoothly, without any serious arguments.

You are correct. If we could see more aviation categories everything would be fine.

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The ratio of aviation and forum related topics to off topics is 115/67 (if my math is correct).

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Off topics include the #general category as well