World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 2)

Draft for a #meta topic asking for that one big thread

(Clickbait) Title: Thank You IFATC!

Yes, you have been clickbaited. Yes, some people out there may actually be thanking IFATC for a though crowded day like FNFs, however there are the people who make these “Thank You IFATC” topics to farm likes. Here’s the generic topic that mostly gets “Nice Topic” and, sometimes, perhaps not deserving it, “Good Topic”. This was written by @KTJ_Mitchell in a Discord server we and a few other people in IFC have joined, and he said this legit took him less than a minute: I just want to thank all the IFATC members for everything that they do. Truly what you guys do is something really special and that is what I got to thank you for. I intend on joining in the future the amazing team that they are, the traffic at the hub today was incredible and I don’t know how they handle it, so thank guys! As you can see, a very generic script. Post that, relax and see the likes coming in. Also this can (and most likely is) annoying for some people who turned on “Watching First Post” notifications for #ATC, however they don’t dare commenting because they know they are going to recive an official warning or even a suspension.

Solution ideas

There isn’t much what we can do since we don’t know who is actually thanking IFATC and who is trying to farm likes. My suggestion is to create one big “Thank IFATC Here!” thread, just like there is a big “Community Members Spotted on Live” thread (which by now is on part 5 btw). Imagine how annoying it would be to see hundreds or thousands of “I spotted (inser member name here) on Live!” topics.

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wow, you even credited me :star_struck:


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quickest way to grab attention lol

actually, wait

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I will right another one

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@PlanesAndGames Here we go:

Hey IFC,

I just want to give a huge thanks to all IFATC members, and all that they do. An example of this is at (insert some random hub) and the controllers on that day did a remarkable job. Seeing this, I expect to join them in the future and the extrodinary team that they are. But still, just a huge thanks!

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did u rlly record the audio of u typing lol

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well, I showed true proof :slight_smile:

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I bet someone’s gonna doubt lol

also pretty loud keyboard lol

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I put it right next to it, it was a good 5 inches away lol

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oh ok

me using a unit conversor to discover 5in in cm

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Metric system :roll_eyes: Why can’t you just be like us?

Why can’t the US just be like the rest of the world? :roll_eyes:

no, we are special

Just gonna leave this

metric is better, would you rather multiples of 10 for every measurement, or weird measurements for all measurements (i.e. 12 inches in a foot, 3 feet in a yard, vs 10cm in a decimeter, 10 decimeters in a meter)

Yea the bridge example the guy gave is perfect. I totally knew that with no calculations required!


Well the rest of the world has to convert to Imperial with trade so

Imma roast the most I can from this video

  1. Better sized? That’s because you are used to it.
  2. Ever heared of decimal numbers? Also it’s far from being the smallest, you can easily divide by 1000 and get micrometers
  4. uuuhhh what? I have a 30cm/12in ruler. Inches are NOT much easier, if at all, to read the fractions.
  5. See item 3
  6. That doesn’t even makes sense lol
  7. More natural? See the conversions and tell me later. Also fractions everywhere? Then why are prices, say US$1.99 and not US$199/100?
  8. Fair enough, but why would I want to find 5/32in when 4mm is extremely close to it? (yes, I used the calculator, it says 3.96875mm)
  9. Perhaps because changing the second would mess up the ENTIRE metric system?
  10. Where did you find this data from to begin with? And PERFECLY FINE?! I bet you can’t even convert 52mi in ft for example, while you can easily convert 5,483.451802365km in mm.