World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 2)

laughs in other coast

What do you want to talk about? Maybe how CST is superior to EST?

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Yes, definetly

The thing about living so close to the Mexican border is that you get Spanish ads every now and then.



Except we have lots of conversations in spanish so I don’t care.

Well, excluding Central US, the East Coast is far superior than the West Coast. Not biased at all because I lived on the Coast or anything…

Anyone here a Discord whiz?


Going once

I’m pretty good with discord

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Thank god.


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I’m having a hard time accepting this as expert server.

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  1. We had someone pushbacking all the way to the main taxiway
  2. They left their 1L door open
  3. Someone took off on the wrong end of the runway.
  4. Someone entered the runway without announcing
  5. Two people declared takeoff right after finishing pushback
  6. I almost pushed back into someone
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cut to a montage of people freaking out over a 2.5 earthquake

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Clap clap clap

Great pilots


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What in the world