World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 12)



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Hi B-25


who will get reply 69

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wait B25

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are you bored again

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yea, although different

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I’m now the KING (for about 3 seconds lol)

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Oreos are bad lol

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good I like cheddar as well

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NOOOOOOOOOOOO :sob::sob::sob::sob:

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BETTY WHITE JUST DIED :sob::sob::sob:

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Technically there is no such place on earth.
There is UTC+14 in the Line Islands in Kiribati only because the government changed it from UTC-10 to UTC+14 in 1995 for administrative reasons. The Phoenix Islands, which was UTC-11 before the change, became UTC+13. The reason is simple: the nation straddles the International Date Line and for administrative reasons, they couldn’t have the Gilbert Islands (UTC+12) an entire day ahead of the rest of the country. However, if you lived on the uninhabited Howland and Baker Islands (UTC-12), the Line Islands are 26 hours ahead of you, meaning that for every 2 hours, 3 days could be happening at once at different locations across the globe.

Now as for the time zone that’s the furthest behind, that would obviously be UTC-12, of which a few territories and states lie within the longitudinal limits (between 180° and 172°30′W longitude) of the time zone (e.g. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug in Russia and Tonga which is a nation in its own right), but these areas keep the time and date of neighbouring zones, meaning that there are officially no inhabited territories that belong in the UTC-12 time zone. As a result, this means that American Samoa and Niue (UTC-11) have time zones that are the furthest behind in the entire world.


Do you actually know this stuff or do you search it up and copy from a website or smth lol :joy:


I actually know all of it, except for the exact coordinates of the UTC-12 timezone, which I had to use Wikipedia. That’s pretty much all I had to look up.


Damn bro you are really good with geo stuff lol


Awh devvie :pensive:

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Atleast you still have me :disappointed:


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