World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 11)

How are you

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Bored af

Same, besides being sad as hell

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Conti F50 to make u hapi

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Not bad, but NWA would look better, or US black or cactus would look soooo much better :star_struck:

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uhhh whats that lol

US Airways after merging

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Went up to my BFF’s house. Rode and raced dirtbikes then I grabbed too much front break on a hill I did that before at and it kicked over and went over the handlebars and got nailed in the side but didn’t hurt to bad. Broke the shifter so had to limp it back in 3rd. Fixed the shifter then ate dinner and rode 4 wheelers and raced them too in the dark which looked sooooo cool with the city in the background and all the dirt getting kicked up then made milkshake and went home.

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How hard is it to operate the hand clutch on a bike? I had a 50cc about 10 years ago, and haven’t ridden since, but I’m honestly considering trying to find one of those dual-purpose bikes. I’m used to using a clutch pedal, but for some reason, the idea of a hand clutch just seems odd to me.


So I’m back in the US and have no where rn to spend the @Nightt. Lucky me.

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You still can’t decide a hotel? For god sake, if you can’t find anywhere just come to my house. I live like 20 minutes from there :joy:


World Flying Hotel?

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Extremely easy. That’s why/how I got so go at driving manual.


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That’s good. I’d assume it’s easy to learn if you already know how to drive a manual car?


I leaned clutch on a dirt bike before car


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Hi india boi!