What's the best and what's the worst airport?

I officially don’t like you anymore.

You just made Team United very mad. @FluidConvayence-Tube, @Austrian001, @Aviation2929, @EdCruz, @Pilot_Felix, @Zhopkins, @anon7588924.



I knew it was coming :expressionless:
ORD lovers :rofl:
Pilot: Where we flying?
ATC: Uhh, to ORD
Pilot: This is an emergency let as turn around right now!


If you knew it was coming why did you post that?


Team United will never hate ORD.




Yes, yes you did

PLS and FLL have beautiful scenery.

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Best: My airport, KSNA of course
Worst probably… idk actually
I like every airport I’ve been to
Least convenient would be KLGB if you have a flight first thing in the morning :-1:t3:

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Introduce Yourself!

Best: Singapore Changi

Worst: Juba

Nah mate, get out

Best: Honolulu
Worst: Paris CDG (connections…oh lord)

Wdym, at least Paris has less long delays

This is pure facts. I was flying JFK-CDG-TLV and it was horrible.


Can’t say because I have not been there before but some friends of mine have told me it is horrible.

Is it true that LGA is that bad?

Tell me when you connect through there

Not really. I was there 2 years ago when they were building the new terminal. Besides a horrid delay I liked it. Mainly because I got to plane spot from the terminal.

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I give LGA a 7.4/10

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That’s hotttttttt