What States/Provinces in your country have you been to?

How’s it crazy? I do a lot of traveling for sports or to visit friends that moved.

You been to a lot of states…

A few here

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Have you been out of Brazil? If so, to where?

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Live in California
Driven through Nevada, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland
Flew to Washington, Louisiana, Florida, Washington DC, Hawaii, and New York
Rode on the Acela Express through Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, and Delaware
Had connecting flights through Texas

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I’ll do a US states, a canada provinces and a world countries



Some states I’ve been to outside of the airport as well as connected through.

Where in Texas?

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24 hour connection but I left the airport so it counts

Got it.

Sounds like a flight you’d book on Frontier

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United for you

They have connections like that? Oof

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It was one flight air Canada and one united but a single ticket

Oh ok
Yeah they always have AC when I look for flights and I don’t want to have to go through customs 2 freaking times lol

Here’s ming

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You just decided to skip over Arizona :pleading_face::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Tamil Nadu
Andhra Pradesh