WFC Members YouTube and Instagram Database

What category is it in?

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Rwa and flight simming

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I still havent seen my YT channel added…

You have to put the link below

This is it. I’ll add it

Can’t add it RN, someone will add soon

I put it in along time ago lol. but @GBKarp found it


You can’t forget me :slight_smile:

I gocchu

I would put my Instagram here but it’s my personal one… I don’t post to my IF account at all, so…

I just started up a YouTube channel about flight simulation. If you like the content you can check it out here. Also, I try to upload at least once a day but also sometimes 2 times a day. Also, sorry about the watermark, I am sorting that out.

I will add you in a little bit if no has yet.

Bumping, I must get myself Instagram



Instagram: @aviation108_yt

Other YouTube

I post streams here :D.


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My IF/Aviation related Instagram

User Channel/Account Name
@bbrockairbus - Winglet Productions -
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Social Media: YouTube
Category: Other/Personal

User: @KSS
Channel: KSS