Sushi Debate

Poor rolls. He will never be able to taste an oyster. Sad. :sushi:

(ran out of likes)

Only calamari. If it is fried.

Well then, you have tasted one of the best things the ocean has to offer! :smiley:

Anything other than fried and I’m allergic to calamari.

Oh, then… fried chicken.

Chicken on sushi, hmm.

I’d love to taste sushi, but last time I was near it my throat closed.

Pro tip: epipen

We didn’t bring one

What about vegetarian kimbap?

I’m not vegetarian.

beef kimbap?

Sounds yummy.

Seafood or no?

Egg, carrot, cucumber, lettuce, and thinly sliced beef. With kimchi on the side, of course

Oh, seaweed.

i think i allergic to that two

My opinion:

I don’t like sushi

No no no no no
Beef doesn’t belong in Sushi I’m sorry lol

It doesn’t in sushi, but it does in kimbap.

Then… umm…


I feel like sushi/sashimi is an acquired taste. It’s not for everybody.