
Carti, the King Vamp :man_vampire:t4:, is better and far superior in every way and aspect


Destroy lonely better

gra gra boom

Destroy lonely >

Destroy lonely better

Time to start drama, Yeat is better then Carti

Although Carti is 39 on Spotify Charts and Yeat is 55. Yeat is climbing like a monster. I have proof

Climbing 38 spots is a bit crazy and that’s weekly btw.

Yeat? You are out of your mind. Take medication

Yeah no duh, lmao he’s a new rapper. Doesn’t mean he’s better by numbers. Also Carti hasn’t dropped since Wlr. As soon as he drops he’s gonna gain like 1 mil listeners at least. And yeat is a tik tok rapper and Carti is way better. His style Is more unique

Yeah Cause he just dropped an ep. That happens for every artist. How much is yeat gonna sell first week? Less than Carti lmao

You can’t be a tiktok rapper lmao

He blew up because of tik tok, that’s a tik tok rapper lmao

I personally perfer Yeat over Carti, my opinion though

It is wrong. King vamp is better. Yeat is a wannabe Carti

Wannabe Carti is hilarious, worst lie I’ve ever heard lmao

He be using beats from produces signed to Carti, and he can’t preform live for a trillion dollars. His live shows suck. Carti is a much better performer

Filthy produces yeats best songs, filthy is under Cartis opium label. So yeat is Cartis son