Milk, White or Dark Chocolate?

Milk chocolate, then white, then dark
90% cacao dark chocolate is like eating dirt :face_vomiting:
The 60-70% is tolerable but definitely not my 1st pick

Dark chocolate tastes weird. So does white.

Milk doesnā€™t taste weird.

Blame my taste buds

Dark is best. Milk and white are too sweet for me.


Yes but what type

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I like dark chocolate that is 75% or above. I just love bitter chocolate.

White chocolate is nasty if done incorrectly.

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Spicy chocolate is the best chocolate

Why donā€™t you just eat baking chocolate? :joy:

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I do :joy:

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Thatā€™s not meant to be eaten :joy:


What is still chocolate

:man_facepalming: I mean if itā€™s frosting, but if itā€™s powder, then no.

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For baking not like a Hershey bar :joy:

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We all get desperate sometimes :man_shrugging:

Itā€™s more like unable to wait

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Itā€™s not good chocolate :joy:

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Itā€™s like the cinnamon challenge but on steroids.

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Yeah it is, and itā€™s pretty good too.

Baking chocolate is like 100% cacao, thatā€™s super bitter
Iā€™ll rephrase it: Itā€™s not meant to be eaten by itself