Late Night With The Moderators To Return October 22!
Hello everyone! The WFC is pleased to announce that starting 2021-10-23T02:00:00Z, Late Night With The Moderators will make it’s return!
Sorry for the delay, but many things popped in all of the mods’ lives and we just couldn’t do it tonight. For that reason, we will be doing it on 2021-10-23T02:00:00Z. This will also make it more accessible to people around the world. Even if you signed up for the last one, you have to sign up again for this one at the top, since it is a different date .
What Is LNWTM?
Late night with the moderators it’s a show that WFC ran since January 2021, and has grown to be a popular stream over the 5 episodes we had. And in March 2021, it made it away and never saw the light of day again… until now. We have refreshed it and made it much more accessible for everyone here while we were on a break from the show.
How Do I Join?
To join has been made more simple than ever before! If you would like to join the zoom webinar to get the clearest, fastest, and easiest access, feel free to click the register button at the top of the page to get notified when we go live. Even if you click register, you are not obligated to join, so we recommend to click it so you won’t miss it! You can also click the join button once the meeting has started, also at the top of this page. Lastly, you can watch it on YouTube, and the link to the stream will be made available 48 hours before the stream is live.
What Will Happen On The Stream?
On the stream, we will have fun games, competitions, and the ability to win never before seen prices on the WFC! Some of the moderators will be online, and we will have fun discussions about development of flight simulators, the future of the WFC, and some secrets that we may have planned. You won’t want to miss this! And, if you would like, you may join zoom meeting to be able to chat with us, live!
I Can’t Make It!
Don’t sweat it! Even if you want to hear us answer a juicy question you may have, you can still submit a question, and you can watch your question be answered in the replay. Please use this link, and we will pick some questions to answer on the street that you guys ask.
Thank you all, and we look forward to seeing you there!